So I've got two few that I really love to use - spot coloring & the "painting" like effect. Here's a favorite of mine (and yes it's partly because he's my fiance!):

I think that's my favorite effect...although I'm always for the "dreamy" look as well:

The effect that I would really love feedback on is the below styles. I am a bit torn on these. I
love them because they look artsy and have a totally different feel to them...especially the painting look. In the same breath, I feel like that defeats the purpose of taking a photograph because it's not capturing what the eye sees. Thoughts? I used to think that the less work done in an editing program, the better - and I still think this to a point, however there are some really great things you can do to a photo to give it a little more style or just an extra touch. I've learned that it will take YEARS before I can go on a photo shoot and come back with photos that don't need re-touching in any way. Patience is key...constantly reminding myself to be patient with my growth and that it'll come with practice and time. I love the process of taking photos, reviewing them and seeing where to improve and then learning how to improve. It's nice to be in control of my growth.
I'm always drawn to these styles, but am always looking for something new to try. I'd love to know what you're drawn to - new ideas are always fun. LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS!! :)
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