Tuesday, February 23, 2010

~*FuNkY eFfEcTs*~

I've been waiting to do this post! I'm so curious as to what people think of different effects that I use on their photographs. Some people hate the funky stuff, others love it. I guess it's a case-by-case kind of thing, but please leave a comment at the bottom of this post! (feel free to include other types of effects that you do like if not seen below).

So I've got two few that I really love to use - spot coloring & the "painting" like effect. Here's a favorite of mine (and yes it's partly because he's my fiance!):
I think that's my favorite effect...although I'm always for the "dreamy" look as well:

The effect that I would really love feedback on is the below styles. I am a bit torn on these. I
love them because they look artsy and have a totally different feel to them...especially the painting look. In the same breath, I feel like that defeats the purpose of taking a photograph because it's not capturing what the eye sees. Thoughts? I used to think that the less work done in an editing program, the better - and I still think this to a point, however there are some really great things you can do to a photo to give it a little more style or just an extra touch. I've learned that it will take YEARS before I can go on a photo shoot and come back with photos that don't need re-touching in any way. Patience is key...constantly reminding myself to be patient with my growth and that it'll come with practice and time. I love the process of taking photos, reviewing them and seeing where to improve and then learning how to improve. It's nice to be in control of my growth.

Looks like a painting

Looks like a drawing

I'm always drawn to these styles, but am always looking for something new to try. I'd love to know what you're drawn to - new ideas are always fun. LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS!! :)

Next Blog: Nature fanatic

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Working with the Little Ones


This has been an exciting photo week! I have been asked by friends to take photos of their kids as well as do "belly shots" before birth and photos of the baby after birth for a pregnant friend of mine. I'm really looking forward to the challenge of both. As I mentioned in the previous post, kids move so fast and are extremely unpredictable. I like that you can't make them do what you want...it's a good challenge to make something out of a "difficult" situation. I've never done belly shots before so I need to do some research on angles, poses etc...let me know if you have suggestions. This is why I love photography - there's always something new and different to keep the creative wheels turning. And you'll never come up with the same result twice - the possibilities of how to take one shot is so huge that it keeps the need to learn fresh.

I'm looking to do more photos of kids, so if you're interested let me know. I'm thinking spring might be a bigger hit with the little ones :) I'm finding the more on their level I get, the better the photograph - it's a whole different world when you're only 3 feet high! I find that I get a lot of satisfaction taking portraits of children because it's something their parents will always keep and look back on - something they themselves will look at as well when they're all grown up. Something nice about that...

I am working on a "portfolio" of photos that I've taken - stay tuned!

Next blog: Funky Effects...definitely looking for feedback on this one so limber up those typing fingers!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's give it a whirl shall we?


Thanks for following my blog...I've just started to figure this whole blog-deal out, and think it might be a good way to get my thoughts out, watch my growth and hopefully get some feedback from you! The only way for me to grow is to keep practicing, find my niche and learn from critiques...so please feel free to post your thoughts as well. Let's give it a whirl shall we ; )

The basics - I LOVE photography - I have a Nikon D60 that I absolutely love and try to take photos whenever possible. I'm trying to find my niche but am finding it to be difficult...nature? people? pets? still life? There are so many possibilities and cool things to photograph I get wrapped up in the choices (not a bad problem to have!). So I guess I am experimenting with all sorts of things, including editing and seeing where it takes me...

Lately I have been photographing people and nature. This blog I'll stick to people. My friends and family have been kind enough to let me photograph their kids, pets and take engagement photographs - thank you!! I have a BLAST doing this and get sucked into the editing just as much (Picasa/Photoshop). Anyone who wants to be a guinea pig...just let me know!

I am really getting into portrait photography. I have done 3 Engagement sessions, and 1 kiddie session so far. The energy you get from each couple is different and brings different creative ideas to mind. I like the spontaneity of it as well as the energy you get from looking at the final photographs. That being said, I also find it difficult not to get over-excited and take my time with each shot...I tend to "panic" and usually forget several poses I had in mind. Take it easy...take it easy :) Maybe I should write them down!! It all works out in the end though...and usually the natural feel is what works best.

Kids are also fun...never know what they're going to do so it keeps me on my toes! They move so fast - which I need lots of practice with. It's a good challenge and teaches me to really use the features my camera has to offer.

Well...this is a good start...stay tuned for more blogging and photographs. Future blogs will be more detailed on portraits, nature, pets, kids, still life and funky editing tools.

Oh! Visit my Etsy shop if you have time - www.highlightphotography.etsy.com

Sara & Mark

My Dad, Colin & sister Abi

Shawn & Andrea

Brittany & DanJulianne