Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Best Friends

I am extremely lucky when it comes to a best friend.  She is the best listener, makes me laugh all the time, gives honest to goodness good advice and understands why I nearly cried in excitement when I got a Dyson vacuum. Who else would understand that?!  You can tell when someone is with their best friend...the giggling, smiles, punches in the arm and rolling of the eyes... This is why when I met Kim and Anna I knew I had to do a "Best Friend" session. Had.To.  Just watching the two of them makes you smile!

Anna had the brilliant idea to have their photos done in High Falls.  We drove down after work and kept our fingers crossed that the rain would  hold off.  Thankfully the sun came out and we had some beautiful light!!

To start out we did some "nice" photos to get in the groove...

Got some great shots, and the best part...I did it all manually for the first time! These girls were so relaxed and were so busy just having fun that for once I didn't get that rushed feeling...I put it on manual and whala! It finally seemed to click (get it? clicked? hehe). 

While I was playing with my shutter speeds the giggling started and I thought to myself "PERFECTO! Bring on the natural shots!"  Here are a few that give me that warm best friend feeling.

They even picked out the same color nail polish...and not on purpose!

I had created a collage of Anna and Kim cracking up...it's so funny to watch.  Of course my computer is in the middle of a meltdown and has no space to save it...so I lost the entire thing.  (Trying not to curse). So lunch time tomorrow will be filled with a trip to Staples to get another hard drive.  Next post I'll be featuring collages I've created and asking for your opinions, so be sure to check back!

Anna and Kim - Thank you so much for our outing! I was able to learn a TON in these 2 hours, and had fun with both of you.  Thank you <3

PS - A photo session with you and your bestie would be a great birthday gift for her...1 hour session, location of your choice, $60 - CD for ordering is yours!  Best to do this while it's decent out - get in touch with me, summer dates are filling up fast! (yippee!!)


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